Our services

Our clinic provides a full range of services of various specialists.

  • Psychiatrist

  • Psychotherapist

  • Pathopsychologist

  • Massage

  • Inpatient treatment
  • Ultrasound
  • Neurologist

  • Neurophysiologist

  • Psychotherapist

  • Sexologist

  • Narcologist

Isaenko Svitlana Volodymyrivna

candidate of medical sciences, psychiatrist, psychotherapist

The name of the service Price
Initial consultation (30 min.) 7000 uah
Psychotherapy (60 min.) 12000 uah
Family psychotherapy 20000 uah

Anna Mykhailivna Kozhina

professor, doctor of medical sciences, psychiatrist, psychotherapist

The name of the service Price
Initial consultation (60 min) 4000 uah
Repeat consultation (30 min) 3200 uah
Psychotherapy (60 min) 4000 uah
Family psychotherapy (60 min) 5000 uah
Psychology 1000.00 uah          1 person

Shoemaker Yulia Oleksiivna

the doctor is a psychiatrist

The name of the service Price
Initial consultation
(60 min)
1500 uah
(60 min)
1500 uah
Repeat consultation
(30 min)
1200 uah

Berezhny Herman Gennadiyovych

the doctor is a psychiatrist

The name of the service Price
Initial consultation (60 min) 1500 uah
Repeat consultation (30 min) 1200 uah

Olena Leonidivna Tovazhnyanska

candidate of medical sciences, neurologist

The name of the service Price
Advice 1000 uah
EEG 600 uah

Mikhailov Boris Volodymyrovych

professor, doctor of medical sciences, psychiatrist

The name of the service Price
Consultation (60 min.) 4000 uah

Boxer Olga Vyacheslavivna

candidate of sciences, doctor – psychiatrist, doctor – child psychiatrist

The name of the service Price
Initial consultation (60 min.) 1500 uah
Repeat consultation (30 min) 1200 uah
Psychotherapy (60 min) 1500 uah
Коровіна Лілія Дмитрівна

Korovina Liliya Dmitrivna

associate professor, candidate of medical sciences, doctor – psychiatrist, medical psychologist

The name of the service Price
Consultations of a psychiatrist (60 min.) 1500 uah
Correction of treatment (30 min) 1200 uah
Psychocorrection(60 min) 1500 uah
Березюк Анастасія Анатоліївна

Berezyuk Anastasia Anatoliivna


The name of the service Price
Psychotherapy (60 min.) 1000 uah
Family psychotherapy (90 min) 1200 uah
Шапошнік Ольга Миколаївна

Olga Shaposhnik

General practitioner

The name of the service Price
Consultation 1000 uah
ECG 500 uah
Вегера-Іжевська Ірина Володимирівна

Irina Vladimirovna Vegera-Izhevskaya


The name of the service Price
Consultation 750 uah

Matsiuk Hanna Romanivna


The name of the service Price
Consultation (60 min) 1500 uah
Repeated consultation (30 min) 1200 uah
Psychotherapy (60 min)  1500 uah
Немченко Анна Олеговна

Nemchenko Anna Olegovna

The name of the service Price
Consultation (60 min) 1500 uah
Repeated consultation (30 min) 1200 uah
Psychotherapy (60 min)  1500 uah



Dr. Isaenko

The name of the service Price
Doctor’s departure 4000 uah

Licenses: the Order of the Ministry of Defense was approved
of Health of Ukraine 20.12.2018 No. 2373;
approved Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine 20.11.2020 No. 2696